"Flip the Page is written, staffed, and produced by teens. Their mission is to provide a showcase for the work of local teenagers and offer opportunities to learn about publishing". I wrote two pieces for this competition. One was called Stress Rewarded which is a poem about stress and the person overcoming a stressful burden. The second piece is called I am a Lucky Victim which consists of two different diary entries. The first entry is from the beginning of the year and describes my pessimistic feelings towards my chemistry teacher. The second entry is from February in which I reflect upon how although she was a tough teacher, her teaching style had helped me grow in chemistry and improve my study skills outside of chemistry.
I am really happy to say I am a Lucky Victim was chosen as one of the pieces which will appear in the 2014 edition of the Flip the Page, the Central Ohio Teen Literary Journal. This is also the first year this journal will be sold on amazon.com. I will be posting this winning piece on my blog soon!
Copyright (C) Bookaroma 2014